Real Estate Litigation

When real estate issues go bad, a string of negative consequence can follow. This is especially true when joint property owners fall into discord, or when landlord/tenant relationships deteriorate. Our firm’s real estate litigation practice focuses on those two issues – landlord/tenant disputes and property partition suits.

[Please note that our landlord/tenant practice, which used to be described in this paragraph of the website, has been temporarily modified due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Please contact our office if you have a landlord/tenant issue and wish to find out whether your matter is one we are currently handling.]

Our firm also represents property owners in partition suits – lawsuits that seek a court order dividing a jointly owned piece of real property and assigning to each owner a share of that property to be distributed out of the proceeds of the sale of the property, or from a buyout of the property.

While these are the two areas our real estate litigation practice focuses on, we do consider other real estate litigation matters on a case by case basis.

The Baldwin Law Firm LLC